Ageism and employee silence: the serial mediating roles of work alienation and organizational commitment,Ethics & Behavior,第一
The nonlinear consequences of working hours for job satisfaction: The moderating role of job autonomy,Current Psychology,2023,第一
The Effect of Formalism on Unethical Decision Making: The Mediating Effect of Moral Disengagement and Moderating Effect of Moral Attentiveness,Business Ethics: The Environment & Responsibility,2021,第一
Openness to Experience, Extraversion and Subjective Well-being among Chinese College Students: The Mediating Role of Awe,Psychological Reports,第一
High or Low: The impact of brand logo location on consumer product perceptions,Food Quality and Preference,2018,第一
Psychometric Properties of a Chinese Version of the Moral Attentiveness Scale, Ethics & Behavior,第一
青年LGB群体歧视知觉与社交焦虑的关系:性取向隐藏和身体羞耻的链式中介作用. 中国临床心理学杂志,2023,第二,通讯