The association between settlement intention and migrant entrepreneurship in China: Explanation from human capital and risk aversion,Habitat International. 2023. 第一作者
Hometown Landholdings and Rural Migrants’ Integration Intention: The Case of Urban China. Land Use Policy, 2022. 第一作者
Housing tenure choice and socio-economic integration of migrants in rising cities of China[J].China Economic Review. 2022. 第一作者
To inhibit or to promote: How does the digital economy affect urban migrant integration in China[J]. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 2022.第一作者
Residential neighbourhood choices, capital investment and economic integration of migrants in Chinese Cities [J]. Cities, 2020. 第一作者
Financial literacy, housing value and household financial market participation: Evidence from Urban China [J]. China Economic Review, 2019. 第一作者