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学历 学历:研究生 学位 学位:博士
联系方式 联系方式:longqingqi1116@163.com 办公地点
研究方向 研究方向:管理系统计算与仿真、数据驱动决策演化、人机混合智能、数智供应链管理、绿色供应链管理、平台供应链管理、医联体供应链管理等 意向交叉学科



1. 隆清琦,陈颖妮,王永恒.一种计算实验支持的复杂供应链多目标决策方法.发明专利,授权, 2024, CN202210751540.8.

2. Long Qingqi, Chen Yunting*, Peng Juanjuan. How to conduct a merger? A Stackelberg-Cournot game for financing retailers in a closed-loop supply chain. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, published online, 2023. (SCI, TOP, FMS-A, ABS3星, Q2)

3. Long Qingqi, Chen Yingni*, Wang Yongheng, Xu Le, Zhang Shuzhu, Peng Juanjuan.Computational experiment-aided prescriptive decision-making for complex supply chain: A case of multi-generation smartphone marketing.Expert Systems with Applications, 2023, 228: 120451.(SCI, FMS-C,Q1)

4. Zhang Jie, Xu Yinghan, Dong Lingfeng, Long Qingqi*. Gratification Matters? An Explorative Study of Antecedents and Consequence in Livestream Shopping. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2023, 123(6): 1649-1669.(SCI, ABS2星, FMS-C,Q2)

5. 隆清琦,刘杰鹏*,彭娟娟,张树柱.考虑资源下沉与家庭签约的医联体多目标协调优化决策.运筹与管理,录用, 2023.(CSSCI, FMS-T2)

6. Peng Juanjuan, Chen Xinge*, Tan Hao, Sun Jingyi, Long Qingqi, Jiang Luoluo. A heterogeneous picture fuzzy SWARA-MARCOS evaluation framework based on a novel cross-entropy measure. International Journal of Systems Science, published online, 2023.02, DOI: 10.1080/00207721.2024.2312881. (SCI, Q1)

7. Peng Juanjuan*, Chen Xinge, Long Qingqi, Zhang Shuzhu. A picture fuzzy evaluation framework based on a novel approach incorporating bidirectional projection measures and the VIKOR method. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023, 56: 2235-2261. (SCI, Q1)

8. Peng Juanjuan, Chen Xinge, Wang Xiaokang, Wang Jianqiang*, Long Qingqi, Yin Lvjiang. Picture fuzzy decision-making theories and methodologies: a systematic review. International Journal of Systems Science, 2023, 54(13): 2663-2675. (SCI, Q1)

9. 彭娟娟*,谭灏,隆清琦,陈辛格.基于改进TODIM与图片模糊偏好信息的多属性双边匹配决策方法.系统科学与数学,录用, 2023. (CSCD, FMS-T2)

10. 张树柱*,邱兵兵,山家骏,隆清琦.考虑驾驶员疲劳的车辆路径优化及算法研究.工业工程. 2023, 26(02): 132-140+184. (CSCD)

11. Long Qingqi, Tao Xiaoying*, Chen Yunting, Chen Yingni, Xu Le, Zhang Shuzhu, Zhang Jie. Exploring combined effects of dominance structure, green sensitivity, and green preference on manufacturing closed-loop supply chains. International Journal of Production Economics, 2022, 251:108537. (SCI, ABS3星, FMS-B,Q1)

12. Long Qingqi*,Song Ke. Operational performance evaluation of e-government microblogs under emergencies based on a DEA method. Information Systems Frontiers, 2022, 24(5): 1529-1546. (SCI, ABS3星, FMS-B,Q1)

13. Tian Chao, Peng Juanjuan*, Long Qingqi, Wang Jianqiang, Goh Mark. Extended picture fuzzy MULTIMOORA method based on prospect theory for medical institution selection. Cognitive Computation, 2022, 14(4): 1446-1463. (SCI, Q2)

14. Cao Yuanyuan*, Qin Xinhong, Li Junjun, Long Qingqi, Hu Baoliang. Exploring seniors’ continuance intention to use mobile social network sites in China: a cognitive-affective-conative model. Universal Access in the Information Society, 2022, 21(1): 71-92. (SCI/SSCI, Q3)

15. Shi Ying*, Lian Zhaotong, Li Xin, Long Qingqi. Social welfare optimization in a hotelling model with two double-sided queues. International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, published online, 2022.(SCI,ABS1星)

16. 张洁,徐颖晗,隆清琦,陈思*.直播电商环境对消费者购买意愿的影响:唤起感的中介效应.大连理工大学学报(社会科学版),录用, 2022.(CSSCI)

17. Long Qingqi*, Tao Xiaoying, Shi Ying, Zhang Shuzhu. Evolutionary game analysis among three green sensitive parties in green supply chains. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2021, 25(3): 508-523. (SCI, TOP, ABS4星, FMS-B, Q1)

18. Cao Yuanyuan*, Long Qingqi, Hu Baoliang, Li Junjun, Qin Xinghong. Exploring elderly users’ MSNS intermittent discontinuance: a dual-mechanism model. Telematics and Informatics, 2021, 62: 101629. (SCI/SSCI, Q1)

19. 曹园园*,隆清琦,胡保亮.老年群体社交网络活跃使用行为影响因素研究—社会资本与情感依恋视角.情报杂志, 2020, 39(08): 166-173. (CSSCI)

20. Long Qingqi*.Data-driven decision making for supply chain networks with agent-based computationalexperiment.Knowledge-based Systems, 2018, 141: 55-66. (SCI,FMS-C,Q1)

21. Long Qingqi*. A framework for data-driven computational experiments of inter-organizational collaborations in supply chain networks. Information Sciences, 2017, 399: 43-63. (SCI,FMS-B,Q1)

22. Long Qingqi*. A flow-based three dimensional collaborative decision-making model for supply-chain networks, Knowledge-based Systems. 2016, 97: 101-110. (SCI,FMS-C,Q1)

23. Long Qingqi*. A multi-methodological collaborative simulation for inter-organizational supply chain networks. Knowledge-based Systems, 2016, 96: 84-95. (SCI,FMS-C,Q1)

24. Long Qingqi*. A novel research methodology for supply network collaboration management. Information Sciences, 2016, 331: 67-85. (SCI,FMS-B,Q1)

25. Long Qingqi*. Three-dimensional-flow model of agent-based computational experiment for complex supply network evolution. Expert Systems with Applications, 2015, 42(5): 2525-2537. (SCI,FMS-C,Q1)

26. Long Qingqi*. An agent-based distributed computational experiment framework for virtual supply chain network development. Expert Systems with Applications, 2014, 41(9): 4094-4112. (SCI,FMS-C,Q1)

27. Long Qingqi*. Distributed supply chain network modelling and simulation: Integration of agent-based distributed simulation and improved SCOR model. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52 (23): 6899-6917. (SCI, ABS3星, FMS-B, Q1)

28. Long Qingqi*, Wenyu Zhang. An integrated framework for agent based inventory-production- transportation modeling and distributed simulation of supply chains. Information Sciences, 2014, 277: 567-581. (SCI,FMS-B,Q1)

29. Dai Hua, Lin Jie*, Long Qingqi. A fractal perspective based methodological framework for supply chain modelling and distributed simulation with multi-agent system. International Journal of Production Research, 2014, 52(22): 6819-6840. (SCI, ABS3星, FMS-B,Q1)

30. Lin Jie, Long Qingqi*. Development of a multi-agent based distributed simulation platform for semiconductor manufacturing. Expert Systems with Applications, 2011, 38(5): 5231-5239. (SCI, FMS-C,Q1)

31. Long Qingqi*, Lin Jie, Sun Zhixun. Agent scheduling model for adaptive dynamic load balancing in agent-based distributed simulations. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2011, 19(4): 1021-1034. (SCI, Q2)

32. Long Qingqi*, Lin Jie, Sun Zhixun. Modeling and distributed simulation of supply chain with a multi-agent platform. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, 55(9-12): 1241-1252. (SCI,Q2)


1. Long Qingqi, Chen Yingni*.Surrogate-assisted price promotion strategy optimization under competitive product diffusion in social networks. Production and Operations Management, under the 2ndreview, 2024.

2. Long Qingqi, Liu Yuhang*, Tang Sisi, Peng Juanjuan. Effects of payment interoperability and non-interoperability on platform competition.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, under revision, 2024.

3. Long Qingqi, Wu Xiaobo*, Tang Sisi, Peng Juanjuan. Recovery strategies for government-led food supply chain in Shanghai COVID-19 pandemic: a simulation study. Frontiers of Engineering Management, under revision, 2024.

4. Long Qingqi, Wu Xiaobo*, Wu Xiaomeng, Xu Qianwen. Evolutionary game analysis of governments, enterprises and consumers in resilient food supply chains during emergencies.IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, under review, 2024.

5. Long Qingqi*, Liu Jiepeng.Multi-objective coordinative optimization of medical associations that uses internet-based healthcare taking into account resource sinking and family doctor contracting. Computers & Operations Research, under review, 2024.

6. Long Qingqi, Chen Yunting*, Tang Sisi, Peng Juanjuan. Co-opetition behaviors of capital-constrained retailers in a closed-loop supply chain with pricing and recycling decisions. Annals of Operations Research, under review, 2024.

7. 隆清琦,刘雨航*,唐思思.数字人民币与第三方支付间平台服务竞合博弈研究.中国管理科学,外审, 2024.

8. 隆清琦,韩佳芮*,范佳怡,刘婷.平台经济中考虑跨渠道退货服务的双渠道供应链定价决策.中国管理科学,外审, 2024.

9. 隆清琦,陈云婷*.回收资金约束情境下考虑成员规避风险的闭环供应链决策分析.管理评论,外审, 2024.

10. 隆清琦,刘杰鹏*,彭娟娟,张树柱.考虑资源下沉和家庭签约的医联体协调演化博弈研究.经济与管理研究,外审, 2024.


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