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联系方式:dingsong1129@163.com / dings1129@zufe.edu.cn
学历 学历:研究生 学位 学位:博士
联系方式 联系方式:dingsong1129@163.com / dings1129@zufe.edu.cn 办公地点
研究方向 研究方向:数量经济预测建模、数字经济与高质量发展、战略性新兴产业 意向交叉学科 意向交叉学科:产业经济学


  1. Song Ding,.Integrating data decomposition and machine learning methods: An empirical proposition and analysis for renewable energy generation forecasting[J]. Expert Systems With Applications, 2022, 204, 117635.(SSCI& SCI一区Top)

  2. Song Ding,.Application of a novel structure-adaptative grey model with an adjustable time power item for nuclear energy consumption forecasting [J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 298: 117114. (SSCI& SCI一区Top)

  3. Song Ding,等. A novel adaptive discrete grey model with time-varying parameters for long-term photovoltaic power generation forecasting[J]. Energy Conversion and Management. 2021, 227: 113644. (SCI一区Top)多次入选ESI前1%高被引论文)

  4. Song Ding,等. A novel composite forecasting framework by adaptive data preprocessing and optimized nonlinear grey Bernoulli model for new energy vehicles sales [J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2021, 99: 105847. (SSCI& SCI一区Top)

  5. Shu Wu,Song Ding. Efficiency improvement, structural change, and energy intensity reduction: Evidence from Chinese agricultural sector [J]. Energy Economics. 2021, 99: 105311. (Corresponding Author) (SSCI经济学Top)

  6. Song Ding,等. Estimating Chinese energy-related CO2emissions by employing a novel discrete grey prediction model [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020, 259, 120793. (SCI一区,一级A类)多次入选ESI前1%高被引论文)

  7. 丁松,等.基于初始条件优化的GM(1,1)幂模型及其应用[J].中国管理科学, 2020, 28(1): 153-161.(国家自然基金委A类期刊

  8. Song Ding,等,Forecasting China's electricity consumption using a new grey prediction model [J]. Energy, 2018, 149:314-328.(SSCI &SCI一区,一级A类)多次入选ESI前1%高被引论文)

  9. Weijie Zhou,Song Ding. A novel discrete grey seasonal model and its applications [J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2021, 93: 105493. (Corresponding Author), (SSCI& SCI一区Top)(ESI前1%高被引论文)

  10. Song Ding,Ruojin Li. Forecasting the sales and stock of electric vehicles using a novel self-adaptive optimized grey model [J]. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2021, 100: 104148.(SCI一区,一级A类)

  11. Xiaoyue Zhu, Yaoguo Dang,Song Ding. Using a self-adaptive grey fractional weighted model to forecast Jiangsu's electricity consumption in China [J]. Energy, 2020, 190, 116417. (Corresponding Author)(SCI一区,一级A类)(ESI前1%高被引论文)

  12. Song Ding.A novel discrete grey multivariable model and its application in forecasting the output value of China’s high-tech industries. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 127: 749-760. (SCI一区,一级A类)

  13. WeijieZhou,RongrongJiang,SongDing,et al. A novel grey prediction model for seasonal time series. Knowledge-Based Systems. 2021,229:107363.(Corresponding Author)(SCI一区,一级A类)

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