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学历 学历:研究生 学位 学位:博士
联系方式 联系方式:xinxinwang1985@yeah.net 办公地点
研究方向 研究方向:产业经济学、数量经济学 意向交叉学科 意向交叉学科:人口与劳动经济学、共同富裕、收入分配



2.Liang Qiao,Wang X#. (2020), Cooperatives as competitive yardstick in the hog industry? – Evidence from China,Agribusiness,36(1) DOI: 10.1002/agr.21630(SSCI二区)

3.Jun Luo,Xinxin Wang#,,(2020),Hukou Identity and Trust: Evidence from a Field Experiment in China,China Economic Review,59 (2020) 1013832019(SSCI一区)

4.Wang, X.#, Fan P., Wu, Z., & Liang, Q(2019). Pollution, Demographic and Public Willingness to Participate in Environment Protection---A Study Based on Micro Survey Data, Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2019) 26:25117–25129(SSCI二区)

5.Wang, X., Wu, Z., Yu, Q., Ye, F., Tang, Y. (2018). Ecological Analysis of the Impact of Rural Basic Pension Insurance on Farmers’ Objective Protection and Subjective Perception—A Case Study of Hangzhou, China; Ekoloji 27(106): 1279-1289(SCI)

6.Wang, X., Zhao, S., JL.Chen. (2017).Population Agglomeration , Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation: Evidence from China's 290 Cities during 2003-2012. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15(3):1511-1525,(SCI/SSCI)

7.Wang, X.,Kevin Z. Chen, S. Robinson and Z., Huang. (2017). Will China's demographic transition exacerbate its income inequality?–CGE modeling with top-down microsimulation, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 22:2, 227-252(SSCI)

8.Wang, X.(2017). "Empirical Analysis of the Rationality of China’s Urbanization Level on National and Regional Levels." Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 143(2):04016035(SSCI二区)

9.Chen Kevin,WANG Xin-xin*, SONG Hai-ying.(2015). Food safety regulatory systems in Europe and China: A study of how co-regulation can improve regulatory effectiveness. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 14(11): 2203–2217(SCI二区)

10.王鑫鑫,米松华,梁巧. (2015). CGE模型与微观模型链接方法--基于宏观冲击与微观效应整合分析框架的综述.经济理论与经济管理,2015(2):60-69(一级)

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