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[2]How does digital inclusive finance promote the journey of common prosperity in China[J]?Cities, 2024,150:105083. (SSCI, IF=6.00, Q1)
[3]Domestic outsourcing characteristics and driving forces of the virtual water trade in Zhejiang Province, eastern China[J].Environment Development and Sustainability, 2024,26:24861-4885. (SCI, IF=4.90, Q2)
[4]The association between settlement intention and migrant entrepreneurship in China: Explanation from human capital and risk aversion[J].Habitat International, 2023,137:102852. (SSCI, IF=6.50, Q1)
[5]Housing tenure choice and socio-economic integration of migrants in rising cities of China[J].China Economic Review, 2022, 74:101830. (SSCI, IF=4.744, Q1)
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[8]Spatio-temporal disparity of water use efficiency and its influencing factors in energy production in China[J].Ecological Informatics, 2022, 71:101779. (SCI, IF=4.498, Q2)
[9]Residential neighbourhood choices, capital investment and economic integration of migrants in Chinese cities[J].Cities, 2020, 103:102752. (SSCI, IF=4.802, Q1)
[10]Financial literacy, housing value and household financial market participation: Evidence from urban China[J].China Economic Review, 2019, 55:52-56. (SSCI, IF=2.106, Q1)